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Royal Canin Breed Specific Dog Food - Poodle Adult

R 266.00

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To support optimal health, ROYAL CANIN®'s Breed Health Nutrition range caters to the specific dietary needs of each breed.ROYAL CANIN® Poodle Adult is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your dog in mind.ROYAL CANIN® Poodle Adult contains omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA and borage oil. These nutrients – along with the specially adapted protein content – help to support the process of healthy hair growth.Thanks to the inclusion of calcium chelators, the kibble in ROYAL CANIN® Poodle Adult is exclusively designed to support your dog's dental health by slowing down tartar formation and build-up. What's more, this formula also helps to maintain your Poodle's muscle tone.To cater to each dog's individual preferences, ROYAL CANIN® Poodle Adult is also available as wet food in a soft and tasty loaf.If you're considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure your dog gets an accurate amount of both wet and dry food for optimal benefit.

Coat health

This formula contains nutrients which help maintain health of the Poodle’s woolly coat. Enriched with Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) and borage oil. The adapted protein content helps support continuous hair growth.

Dental health

This formula helps reduce the risk of tartar formation thanks to calcium chelators.

Muscle tone

This formula helps maintain the Poodle’s muscle tone.

Exclusive kibble design

The kibble’s shape, size, texture and formula are specially adapted for the Poodle.

★ Reviews

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2135 reviews
It is doing it’s job!

Long story short.
Sent my doggie to live with my dad for company.
He put the collar on, says there were no instructions, but pressed the button and it worked.
The collar itself seems to loosen after a while, so dad stapled it so they it does not come off. I am not sure what the issue is.
Sometimes I can hear the beep when she barks once and then stops. I am not sure when the vibration setting comes into play. Maybe the company can reply.
Giving this collar 5 stars because
1: The dog barks much less.
2. It has no prongs and it does not shock.
Thank you, life is much easier now.

Not silent

Whistle is not silent to humans and can be heard by everyone.

Awesome mat !

My collie who is a fan of the floor (trimmed or not) finally took to a mat - thanks guys for the quick delivery !!

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a p.k.
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Brilliant onsies for our Xolocuintlis. It's super soft and they love it. Would recommend it to anyone for their dogs....and they look super cute.