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Dog Food

R 185.00 - R 919.00

Optiwoof Adult with Beef and Rice is a complete and balanced dog food that assists with maintaining strong muscles, a healthy digestive system and healthy teeth and bones. Optiwoof Adult with Beef and Rice dog food has been developed by our resident veterinarian and animal nutritionist to deliver the appropriate levels of protein, fat and calories to help dogs maintain...

R 470.00 - R 1,007.00

Ultra Dog Optiwoof understands that your puppy’s good health is reflected in the way they look, feel and develop – it’s in their strong muscles, high energy levels, shiny coat and healthy skin. Ultra Dog Optiwoof dry puppy food has been developed by our resident veterinarian and animal nutritionist. It is suitable for all puppy breeds and will deliver the...

R 570.00 - R 2,220.00

Ultra Dog Superwoof for large adult dogs is a high-quality dog food and has been scientifically developed in conjunction with our in-house experts of dogs that require sustained energy for an active lifestyle. This highly nutritious dog food ensures steady energy during long-lasting activity and assists with muscle and body recovery after exercise. Available in 8kg, 20kg bags. Available Flavours:...

R 250.00 - R 590.00

Ultra Dog Superwoof for small-medium adult dogs is a high-quality dog food that has been scientifically developed in conjunction with our in-house experts and contains all of the necessary nutrients that dogs need to live their lives to the fullest. No supplementation of their diets is required. Available in 3kg and 8kg packs. In the available flavours: Beef and Rice,...

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2134 reviews
Not silent

Whistle is not silent to humans and can be heard by everyone.

Awesome mat !

My collie who is a fan of the floor (trimmed or not) finally took to a mat - thanks guys for the quick delivery !!

TBD DL Clothing - Strawberries PJ for Mexican Hairless

Brilliant onsies for our Xolocuintlis. It's super soft and they love it. Would recommend it to anyone for their dogs....and they look super cute.

Vetmed wound care

A great prouduct, I have been using it on my dogs for a few years now