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R 42.00

Royal Canin Medium Breed Ageing wet dog food pouches make it easier than ever to feed your lovable old dog wet food. Complete and balanced nutrition for senior medium breed dogs from 11 to 24 kg, Over 10 years old. This formula comes in a convenient easy-to-open pouch in a chunks in gravy texture your dog will love. Not only that,...

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R 415.00

Royal Canin Medium Breed Ageing wet dog food pouches make it easier than ever to feed your lovable old dog wet food. Complete and balanced nutrition for senior medium breed dogs from 11 to 24 kg, Over 10 years old. This formula comes in a convenient easy-to-open pouch in a chunks in gravy texture your dog will love. Not only that,...

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R 24.00

Suitable for small dogs over 12 years of age that weigh up to 10kg, Royal Canin Mini Ageing 12+ in Gravy is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your mini dog in mind. Royal Canin Mini Ageing 12+ in Gravy contains an exclusive complex of antioxidants. This formula of antioxidants helps to neutralise the effects of free radicals....

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Suitable for small dogs over 12 years of age that weigh up to 10kg, Royal Canin Mini Ageing 12+ in Gravy is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your mini dog in mind. Royal Canin Mini Ageing 12+ in Gravy contains an exclusive complex of antioxidants. This formula of antioxidants helps to neutralise the effects of free radicals....

R 240.00 - R 609.00

Royal Canin Exigent Mini is a complete diet for adult and mature small breed dogs (adult weight up to 10 kg) with a fussy appetite, over 10 months of age. Benefits Highly palatable Satisfies the fussy appetite of small breed dogs thanks to a specific kibble technology combining 2 different textures (crunchy/soft) in the kibble. Contains a selection unique flavourings. Optimal...

R 250.00 - R 1,278.00

Ultra Dog Superwoof for senior dogs is high-quality food that has been scientifically developed by our veterinarian and animal nutritionist. Special attention has been given to protein, fats and essential vitamins to maintain vibrancy, mobility and radiant good health. For extra care, this formula contains vitamin A and vitamin E, which act as antioxidants for a healthy immune system. An...

R 580.00 - R 1,260.00

VetsBrands Senior Dog Food is formulated to meet and exceed the requirements of senior dogs with a pampered lifestyle. Perfect for owners who wishes to feed their super loved older dog a specialized dog food specifically taking the nutrient requirement of a senior dog into account and thereby meeting the requirements of a Super Premium diet. Benefits Balanced protein of...

★ Reviews

Let customers speak for us

2128 reviews
Vetmed wound care

A great prouduct, I have been using it on my dogs for a few years now

Good quality. Well priced

My dog loves it. I’ll certainly buy it for him again next time

Fantastic litter, no smell

Great cat litter that never smells bad & doesnt need to be changed as often, as long as you remove the messy clumps. Totally worth the price!

Itching,dry skin solution

It helps my Jack Russel with his skin allergies. Helps with the itching due to dry skin on his chest

Cats Love It

Our cats love this product. We use it as an occasional treat, and they always finish it. We did try freezing one, like suggested on the packet - but, I think they didn't appreciate the cold much. Would def suggest as a nice cat treat.