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Montego Canine Karoo Puppy Small and Medium Breed

R 133.00

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Single grain recipe with real chicken, lamb & rice

Super-premium Limited Ingredient Diet for Small to Medium Breed Puppies

Low Carbohydrate Formulation Using Only Rice. A single grain, high-quality, highly digestible carbohydrate provides all-day energy.

Energy-Sustaining Protein: Chicken - Provides an abundance of energy for physical strength to meet the demands of an active and playful lifestyle.

Strength-Building Protein: Lamb - Adds delicious flavour and texture, while providing essential amino acids, crucial to the development of strong, healthy muscles.

Omega-6 from Animal Fats and Vegetable Oils - Omega-6 fatty acids from chicken fat help nourish your puppy’s skin, while encapsulated fatty acids are essential for reducing stool odour.

Prebiotics: Beet Pulp and Inulin - This fibre-rich source of fructo-oligosaccharides stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in immature digestive systems, while also improving stool quality.

Protective Coating: Kaolin - Provides a protective coating to the epithelial of the gastrointestinal tract, aiding optimal nutrient absorption.

Immune-Boosting Fish Oils - Omega-3 fatty acids from Fish Oil and Salmon Oil powder are essential to immune system health, joint health, as well as the shine and condition of the skin and coat.

Vision & Brain Support from DHA - DHA, found naturally in the milk of mother dogs, is a key element in the healthy development of the brain, vision and central nervous system.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

My 2 Jack russel puppies stay fuller for longer. Thought something was wrong but discover it is the nutritional value of the new montego canine karoo. A bit expensive but definitely value for money. 💰

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Not silent

Whistle is not silent to humans and can be heard by everyone.

Awesome mat !

My collie who is a fan of the floor (trimmed or not) finally took to a mat - thanks guys for the quick delivery !!

TBD DL Clothing - Strawberries PJ for Mexican Hairless

Brilliant onsies for our Xolocuintlis. It's super soft and they love it. Would recommend it to anyone for their dogs....and they look super cute.

Vetmed wound care

A great prouduct, I have been using it on my dogs for a few years now