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Royal Canin Feline First Age Mother & Babycat Kitten Food

R 106.00

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If your cat is pregnant or has given birth recently, it's important that both she and her kittens have the correct nutritional support to ensure continued health for the mother, and the best start possible for the kittens. ROYAL CANIN® Mother & Babycat is formulated with the nutritional needs of the mother and her kittens in mind. Suitable for gestating/lactating queens as well as 1-4 month old kittens, this food contains a patented complex of antioxidants which help to support the kittens' natural defences. The soft texture of the kibble makes it easy for the kittens to chew and swallow, allowing them to get used to solid food as part of their diet. ROYAL CANIN® Mother & Babycat is specially enhanced for digestive tolerance as it reduces the amount of undigested nutrients. It's enriched with DHA, which is a natural omega-3 fatty acid that helps to support your kitten's general brain development. To cater to each cat's individual preferences, ROYAL CANIN® Mother & Babycat food is also available as an ultra soft mousse. If you're considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure your cat gets an accurate amount of both wet and dry food for optimal benefit.

Immune system support
Between 4 and 12 weeks after birth, the natural immunity acquired from the mother’s colostrum decreases gradually before the kitten’s own natural defences are fully functional. Mother And Babycat helps support the 1st age kitten’s natural defences thanks to a patented* complex of antioxidants including vitamin E, vitamin C, taurine, and lutein. *France, patent No EP1146870.

Special easy weaning
A tiny kibble, with a texture adapted to the very young kitten’s jaw and milk teeth can be easily rehydrated. This promotes the transition from milk to solid food during weaning.

Digestive health
At birth, the kitten’s digestive system is immature and it develops gradually over several weeks. That is why it is essential to support digestive health during the growth period. MOTHER & BABYCAT contributes to promoting digestive health thanks to highly digestible protein (L.I.P.*) and prebiotics (including FOS). *Protein selected for its very high digestibility.

  • Enriched with DHA
    During gestation and lactation DHA helps support the kitten’s cerebral development.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Pieter B.

Brilliant product!

Royal Canin Feline First Age Mother & Babycat Kitten Food

As far as I'm all for grain free food this is my number one for pregnant& nursing mum also as a first food for kittens.

Ronel S.
Excellent Product

Been using it for years and still stay the best on the market.

★ Reviews

Let customers speak for us

2128 reviews
Vetmed wound care

A great prouduct, I have been using it on my dogs for a few years now

Good quality. Well priced

My dog loves it. I’ll certainly buy it for him again next time

Fantastic litter, no smell

Great cat litter that never smells bad & doesnt need to be changed as often, as long as you remove the messy clumps. Totally worth the price!

Itching,dry skin solution

It helps my Jack Russel with his skin allergies. Helps with the itching due to dry skin on his chest

Cats Love It

Our cats love this product. We use it as an occasional treat, and they always finish it. We did try freezing one, like suggested on the packet - but, I think they didn't appreciate the cold much. Would def suggest as a nice cat treat.